1. NicksCanadianQT83 avatar

    you should call GC and find out Steph!

  2. smily_bsb avatar

    no email confirmation... do i try n buy another? or wait n assume it worked out?

    Both have risks...

  3. Stephanie Dianna avatar

    ok I think I bought 2 sets of tix...when it was saying not successful Oh no...

  4. Oronhya avatar

    ohh nioo... i dont know whats going on!!! someone got an extra ticket?

  5. smily_bsb avatar

    euh... i didnt get email confirmation...?? now im not sure...

  6. NicksCanadianQT83 avatar

    oh no! thats terrible.

  7. Oronhya avatar

    freanking out... my friend is trying to get a ticket and it says the cart is empty.... and decline card... ahhhh whats going on!!!

  8. NicksCanadianQT83 avatar

    apparently it went through now Janet. thanks though!

  9. NicksCanadianQT83 avatar

    WHAT!!! we have tickets

  10. Ashley avatar

    Yes, I got an e-mail confirmation.