1. Cort_21 avatar

    What is his movie about? They should post a synopsis here.

  2. Stephanie Dianna avatar

    haha figures stuff is posted when I leave lol

  3. sofdlovesbsb avatar

    Thanks for updating with price and time. Good Luck to everyone getting tickets. I am excited about this,i want to see his movie. Should be a fun experience and I get to see my friends as well always a good time.lol

    Is there a tix limit? you can still buy for how ever many you need right?

  4. NicksCanadianQT83 avatar

    Im pretty sure info on time will be posted once tickets have been sold.

  5. blow_your_mind avatar

    oh wow winning VIP would be awesome! i bet you had an awesome time!! i have my fingers crossed for toronto but not holdingmy breath lol

    does anyone know what this movie is about by the way?? lol

  6. Cort_21 avatar

    Do we even know what time the actual event is?

  7. blow_your_mind avatar

    hmmm i hope its at night cause hahahah i believe i work that day in the morning... ah well i will be getting it off if i need to... if not ill call in sick lol

  8. LuLu avatar

    I didn't watch any of the European leg clips, and saw the first US show in Miami. Blew me away!!! Of course, winning the Platinum VIP didn't hurt either. Now I'm all excited again!!

  9. LuLu avatar

    The Royal Theatre, 608 College St. West.

  10. blow_your_mind avatar

    i agree... i can't wait to see it first time seeing it and i havent' watched any clips... keeping it all a surprise lol