1. blow_your_mind avatar

    nc.net still isnt' working for me... now im worried..

  2. Stephanie Dianna avatar

    Yea i can post stuff fine on nickcarter.net So this isnt exclusive to FC members? urgh more ppl thats all we need lol This site is gonna crash like last time

  3. NicksCanadianQT83 avatar

    @Anik yea i dont get that either! i better not get screwed over!

  4. Anik avatar

    Cus' it's like on the BSB fan-club when pre-sales and VIPs were put on sale, you had to log-on to the FC to purchase them...

  5. Anik avatar

    But I don't get how people WITHOUT a nickcarter.net membership will be able to go through with the buying process....

  6. NicksCanadianQT83 avatar

    @Anik geez! you scared the crap out of me. im still pissed though *shrugs*

  7. blow_your_mind avatar

    still mad i didn't have to get a membership to get these tickets... lol

  8. NicksCanadianQT83 avatar

    bye Caitlin

  9. Anik avatar

    You don't need a NC.net membership to buy the tickets and Eddie said that he would post the link (link from nc.net) on the BSB fan-club so that everyone would be able to buy tickets.

  10. NicksCanadianQT83 avatar

    im soo pissed off!