1. krisbsb avatar

    happy bday aj i hope you have a good one!!!!!

  2. Speedy_Ingrid avatar


  3. Speedy_Ingrid avatar

    Just wanna say this -------> https://www.facebook.com/ingrid.maas.71#!/photo.php?fbid=269566263171412&set=a.204770089651030.43120.100003541219406&type=1&theater

    Love from Holland

  4. sabrina1091977 avatar

    happy birthday AJ and have a great day. I love BSB. the best wishes from holland

  5. Cande avatar

    Happy Birthday AJ!!! love from Argentina!

  6. Emma Cardenas avatar

    Yay, Happy Birthday, AJ
    I hope you have a great one.
    I'm pretty sure this will be the best birthday you have yet bc you get to not only spend it with Rochelle, but miss little Ava gets to spend it with you as well :) and that makes me happy.

  7. deedeel avatar

    Happy birthday AJ ! all the best for you and lots of love :)

  8. USER avatar

    Hi AJ, here‘s Your the biggest fun of the world. He wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY, much health, luck with your fatherhood and family, and everything what you want to yourself. I made a wish a long time ago that someday I will meet You and The Boys, and even now, my dream didn‘t come true. However, I still belive, with all my heart, my dream will come true.
    Say hello to Brian, Kevin, Howie and Nick.
    Enjoy yourself.
    Love y‘all B-)

    P.S. Sorry 4 my bad english. I should improve it, right??

  9. SHINYA avatar

    May all your dreams come true on this wonderful day! Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional.lol

  10. Miguel Alejandro Martinez Soler avatar

    Happy Birthday AJ!! Sending a big hug from Cuba, i?m a big fan of you and BSB. Let this year surprise you with love from your beautifull girl Ava. All the love for you man.