1. BSB4evr712 avatar

    hahaha Nilsa... I'm exactly the same way! Everytime I do GA I say NEVER AGAIN but there is always a next time... usually they aren't so close together so I'll forget how it was and say "oh maybe this time will be better" lol

  2. jessy_sm avatar

    What about Mexicooooooooooo??????? I'm so ansious :S

  3. Nilsa avatar

    I am excited! I know I told myself not to do GA again because all the standing killed my back and feet and just my whole body! . . . but I can't resist. I have to go back!

  4. Karla avatar

    VIPS on sale monday 21st

  5. LaliePop avatar

    OK I suck at math, I mean 21.

  6. LaliePop avatar

    EEEK! I have 9 hours to figure out how I can make it to this concert!!

  7. BabygirlShamrok avatar

    Wait are the vips for this concert going on sale tomorrow to ?????????

  8. Karla avatar

    Hope they dont sell 40 platinum vips like last nyc concert

  9. Karla avatar

    Uhullll..here we go again :P

  10. Mary Unique avatar

    YESSS!! GA in NYC last week went well!
    can't wait to go again!! Let's meet up!!