1. jennifer and athena avatar

    It will probably be Nick and Howie again.

  2. Jannis avatar

    25?! That's dumb. If it's a BSB event, does it not make sense to start lower because a lot of us were like 9, 10, 11 when we fell in love with them.

  3. NicksCanadianQT83 avatar

    Yess! I'm 27 so I can go to the afterpartyy! Which two BSB boys will be at Maros? I've actually been to Maros before. It's a nice place!

    Sooooooo...... WHO HERE IS GOING???

  4. Stephanie Dianna avatar

    Now its 25+ but the poster says 23. Im 24...How dumb.

  5. xSky avatar

    How old do u have to be to enter??

  6. KarenKahsl avatar

    Do they know that the oldest ones are the craziest???? lol

  7. KarenKahsl avatar

    whaaaaaaaaaaaaat ???? 25+ ? ....i hope they r not talking about sizes lol...
    23+ was ok but 25+? DO THEY WANT OUR MOTHER IN THERE? XD lol

  8. kimasabe ~ L.A. West :) avatar

    wow... only 2 of the fellas are hitting this party..... odd

  9. kimasabe ~ L.A. West :) avatar

    awww... that's too bad for the younger folks. 25+ does seem like an arbitrary & for BSB Supporters, an UNFAIR requirement. Can't GC Posse make this go away, or changed to at least 21+???

  10. nicksgirl avatar

    I cant wait for the bsb after party!!! WHOOO HOOO!!!