1. Cmiriam avatar

    Way yo go guys.

    But, please keep in mind, while I truly do respect these actions, there's more to understand that BP screwed up. The oil/gas business is set up, that while boycotting, BP suffers not a whim, but the actual store owners trying to make a livelihood are suffering from decreased profits (primarily food stuffs, b/c for every gallon of gas sold, gas station owners across the map actually lose two cents).

    BP owners, if boycotted, still have to pay back BP every cent of teh gas they're forced to buy, by nature of being BP station owners. Protests of the store & not the product (IE: refusing to buy gas, but buying food stuffs) hurts the gas station owner, but still shopping in these stores for food stuffs does not benefit the corporation, just the food company and the station owners trying to make a living.

    Just some thoughts to keep in mind.

  2. Liesl avatar

    I completely agree. Thanks BSB for doing that! You guys are awesome!

  3. Christina avatar

    Way to go guys! After seeing all the devastation and past interviews of the Tony Hayward and his statements that he was more concerned about making his shareholders happy than what was right for the environment I've been staying far away from BP.

  4. Frack's_Shorty avatar

    I'm boycotting as well! Its so sad to see all the ocean animals like that

  5. Teresafanbsb avatar

    I totally agree, let's doing the best for our planet and to help the animals that are in distress. Good for you, hopefully more artists to join.

  6. Lyne_Cindy avatar

    Great! Thank you! Hope more will join!

  7. Lorna K avatar

    I agree with you BSB and Korn...... I join the Boycott too....!!!

  8. brittanyheartsnick avatar

    what a pair, bsb and korn lol

  9. Rebecca avatar

    I joined the boycott also... it's disgusting what BP has done and their VPs and Presidents should donate their paychecks to what they have done... what BSB and Korn is doing is incredible and i'm proud to be a fan of the guys!!! GOOD JOB GUYS!!!

  10. Mariana* avatar

    I join the boycott myself as well.