1. Pluk avatar

    I hear you Pixiedust. What you just said, is what I tried to say a couple of days ago in a post. I just couldn't find the right words.

  2. pixiedust avatar

    People need to realize that by boycotting BP the only people that will be affected by this are the people who have nothing to do with what is happening in the gulf. The people who own BP gas stations will lose their jobs as well as the people who work in those gas stations. Also, people are being cut from the BP refineries and those people are electricians and mechanics who just so happen to be working at BP. Again, these people have no control over what BP is choosing to do or not do. All of this will only increase the unemployment rate. People need to research and think before they act. If you want to actually help then you should visit an area affected and provide them with business, become an active supporter of the green causes, etc. Another oil leak is happening in Utah and unless we can all ban together and demand another source of energy besides oil we truly aren't doing anything beneficial.

  3. bexley avatar

    Good on you boys ! Every little helps and BP so need to pull their finger out and do something about this !

  4. cindy slater avatar

    I agree with the boycott of BP

  5. tinkerbsb avatar

    Definitely joining this I started short after this happened

  6. KTBUG (: avatar

    I'm glad the boys joined the boycott! I personally have experienced some downfall...i live just an hour away from the coast in Houma, Louisiana. It is horrible, our fishermen lost their jobs along with our environment getting destroyed with the oil. bp has done hardly anything to fix this...everything they have tried failed. president obama is selfish...we take risks everyday & shutting down oil rigs is not a good thing..now our oil industry is suffering anymore. worst comes to worst...soon people will have to evacuate the lower regions & i dont want to move! :(

  7. larajanesmith avatar

    personally i feel sorry for the 11 men that died.

  8. Nadia avatar

    definitely joining this boycott - whats happend is shocking and its small steps like these that will get companies to be more careful... go BSB!

  9. FaithInBrian26 avatar


    I respect your opinion, but I don't agree with it.

    It didn't say they'll boycott all oil companies. Just ONE. And also, consumers don't have to use BP oil; they can simply take the freakin' bus...right? Though, that's only for those who actually want to make a difference...like BSB. It's like they can't do anything right nowadays.

  10. FaithInBrian26 avatar


    Wasn't that diary years ago? Maybe they put that crap aside, so they can unite and help make this world a better place. This isn't about who hates who, it's about a big mess that must be cleaned up. :)