1. Mariana Desmond avatar

    This is great news! =)

  2. mgstar85 avatar

    There has to be a better way to take a stand than this. When you boycott BP you aren't just hurting BP, you are hurting the thousands of hard working people that BP employs. When these people lose their jobs and can't feed their families what then?

  3. Shawn avatar

    Great Cause but I thought Korn Hated them. I remember them saying so on their mtv diary. Why get involved with people who don't like you. You can't stand united that way and expect people to take you serious

  4. nicksbabe28 avatar

    This is great news!

  5. Snowflake avatar

    I meant "better late than never".

  6. Snowflake avatar

    It was about time that they said and did something about this...better later than never.

  7. kimasabe ~ L.A. West :) avatar

    ALSO CODY... BSB perfomed FOR FREE, 12/2009, here: December 7th Climate Change Event, to help Save Our Planet.

  8. kimasabe ~ L.A. West :) avatar

    HEY CODY? GUESS you are unaware of all the charity work BSB have done? They, along with Black Eyed Peas, performed @ the Tsunami Relief concert in Malaysia in 2004, AND at the 9/11 Victims concerts in both NYC & D.C. - the same weekend 10/2001. Are you a brand new person in BSB Land Cody?

  9. rhodta avatar

    Im BP free too!! You go guys!! BP=Epic Fail.

  10. Cody avatar

    No BSB and Korn won't do a "Free" concert... That would result in them losing & not making any money. They would never do that. No offense but most bands are pretty greedy themselves.