1. kimasabe ~ L.A. West :) avatar

    P.S. to EVERYONE on Planet Earth...

    REALLY consider getting OUT of your cars & using mass transit. I've been doing so successfully, in L.A. since 2001 & it IS possible.

    I find SANTA MONICA BLUE BUS & MTA lines (busses, subways, light trains), EXTREMELY convenient & NO GAS to ever buy again gives me a Green Glow! THINK ABOUT breaking your addiction to driving... at least, some of the time! NOT driving has created far less stress in my life, is SAFER (with all the texting/cell gabbing idiots on the road) & I've read a ton of books. NOT DRIVING everywhere will help our Planet survive.

  2. kimasabe ~ L.A. West :) avatar

    TERRIFIC our fellas did this... perhaps in future, BSB, Korn & other musicians could band together for fundraising/tv concert to aid Oil Spill Disaster's victims, both human & animal? THAT would be awesome to see!

    RIGHT ON BSB!!!!!!!! :)

  3. Lorna avatar

    My 'tour' following this tour will also be BP free.

  4. pantea avatar


  5. Fatimaslight avatar

    everyone who is at BP dserves to be thrown into the contaminated water and be drenched in oil for what they are doing to the animals and land there!!! there better be a huge lawsuit and they should be dismantled as an organization! i drove by BP today and their gas is like 20 cents more expensive than other gas stations and there are actually assholes out there BUYING the gas!!!!!!! i wanted to scream at them... o they live under a rock or do they just not give a shit about our country, our environment and animals, or our economy!!!!

  6. Krazy4Kaos7780 avatar

    Way to go, guys! I'm also broken-hearted about what's going on in the gulf and all of the oil-covered animals that are suffering. It is such a tragedy!

  7. Veronica avatar

    Great idea!!This situation needs to change urgently,I love ocean life so much,it's so sad to watch the images on the news.

  8. AllieRae avatar

    Great idea! Lots of love and respect for you guys!

  9. brandi avatar

    I have so much love and respect for you guys.. I have family that lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida.. Seeing all these animals covered in oil breaks my heart.. I hate seeing animals suffering at all...I'm def along with the boycott with you guys..

  10. Sophlovesbsb avatar

    They are so kind!!!
    I'm the same as Nick, i'm devestated by what has happened, I wish there was a way i could help!!