1. Lil'Star avatar

    I love u boys!!!

  2. Lil'Star avatar


  3. jillybean2801 avatar

    My friends are going on a road trip to the states and they are going to be boycotting BP. I have already printed out all the locations of the BP stations (some have different names).

  4. pixiedust avatar

    Honestly, I love the boys, the ocean, and marine life, but this is more likely just going to affect the employees of BP who have nothing to do with this. I live close to a BP refinery and it along with other mills and refineries around here are a major source of employment for the population here. I am saddened by what is happening and agree that BP needs to do something, but if we aren't boycotting all oil we are just hurting the lower employees (the electricians, mechanics, etc.) who have no control of this situation. There were already tons of employees who are getting laid off before this situation and this will only make it worse.

  5. **CraZy4Music81** avatar

    YEPPPP I'm joining the BOYCOTT....NO BP...like SERIOUSLY!? I'm still AMAZING they can't get this problem straight! It's COMPLETELY disheartening to see all the Ocean and Sea Life being destroyed. I just saw Disney's Ocean's in the theatres and then for a tragedy like this to happen...just terrible! : (

  6. Miss Mette avatar

    That is a really great initiative! I'm proud of you guys for taking the lead in this and I hope many others will follow! BP should be ashamed of themself - it is really heartbreaking to watch the news with all the affected birds etc. Well done BSB!

  7. Angela avatar

    An awesome idea! Well done guys!

  8. Slugby avatar

    Such great men.

  9. Nickely avatar


  10. Fracky_87 avatar

    you guys really rocks I love this idea!