1. Loveless2418 avatar

    So should have an after party this Thursday in highland park

  2. Nini K avatar

    hope there is one after the temecula or la one in california!!!

  3. Mandiee Joelyne avatar

    I hate the after parties .. I went to the one last tour after the Toronto concert and it was just madness! it was Nick and Howie that went ... and goodness, it was NOT worth getting pushed around and stuff ... horrible lol

  4. BeWhatTmrwNeeds avatar

    It was a nice afterparty. Wish Nick and Brian could have been there though. Security was so anal about everything! I had the table right next to them reserved for the night but the majority of the time they where in the DJ's both. And when they did come into the 3rd floow table area, girls/guys would rush in to try to take pics with them. So much for paying extra $$$ into the Forbidden Room. hahaha

  5. Monica avatar

    I went to the afterparty and it was so crowded! AJ and Howie did go to the DJ booth at first. But then they came down to the VIP area. Me and two girls I met there managed to sneak in. One girl got in first and she got one picture with AJ and two with Howie. Me and the other girl got in later and we got there right before they were leaving, and we got a picture with Howie. He was very nice about it! AJ said that Nick was sick and he needed to rest. They got there around 12.30 or so and left around 1.30. I am glad I went since we got into the VIP area to meet them, but if we had not, it would not have been worth it....

  6. Snowflake avatar

    LOL @ the bad photoshopping of this advertising poster.

    I am sorry for all of you girls who didn't have a good time. I am not really surprised though that they didn't mingle with the fans, they usually go to a VIP area and stay there or at the DJ booth. It's weird that Nick wasn't there...I heard he was sick, maybe that's the reason why he didn't show up.

  7. MooMooSaurus avatar

    I managed to get into the VIP area and I was sooo excited! Two gurls and myself that met there managed to sneak our way in.. and then AJ and Howie didnt even bother coming to it! They went to the DJ booth.. WTF?!?!? I am really disappointed Nick didnt show up.. I never expected Brian to, but I really would have liked to see Nick. Especially since he has been the one at all the other afterparties.. I think this was a great opportunity for fans.. but it was just insane with all the other people who were there. Only like 1/8 of the people there were BSB fans and the people who werent there for them were obnoxious!

  8. starrynight1985 avatar

    After party for SLC please!!!!! :-)

  9. Jenwahlberg avatar

    Was there really a After Party last night? If so, when was it really? The boys performed at 9pm

  10. Livi85 avatar

    I always wondered about these after parties. How could they possibly even mingle with a bunch of people trying to get at them in a tiny space? Oh well, at least they are trying to do little things for the fans! Trial and error I suppose