1. BSBfan4ever82 avatar

    That's great to hear! I hope you guys get a record label that supports you better has has better publicity for you albums! Love you guys and can't wait to see what the future brings! :)

  2. mari nieves avatar

    i'm very very happy for you!!

  3. wizzy avatar

    Hey guys. congrats, and as you say #whatever comes around you'll always stay the same.#...So lets get on with the show!

  4. Angela avatar

    Great News! Congrat guys.
    We will always love and support you, no matter what!
    Love u guys

  5. Miry avatar

    Congrats! Now it's time for you to take your carriere in own hands. Good luck! We will be there to support all of you.

  6. Martina avatar

    THank God Guys You Are Free From That Record Label!! You'll Keep Goin On No Matter WHat! xd

  7. Svetlana avatar

    Congrats!!! It`s good news for you and for us!!! I`m really happy!! I think your new life has just began =)))

  8. ShiningStar avatar

    Congrats!! That's great news! I'm so happy for you :)

  9. VickiUK avatar

    If you guys are happy then so are we......you have our support all the way baby!!! And our confidence in you never wavers !!
    Look forward to 2011....you guys rock!
    Much love always..
    Vicki xx

  10. Melissa avatar
