1. Florzinha Juju avatar

    good good! viva the freedom!! \O/

  2. brandi avatar

    Can't wait to see what's in store for you guys.. It's going to be amazing...

  3. Kyle_Is_A _Lush avatar

    What is funny about this whole drop, Backstreet Boys were the most successful artist in Jive Records history. Looks like Jive just got dropped and now we sing Don't Want You Back when they come begging BSB to sign with them again. I say BSB should go with Sony but as I read on I'm getting the sense they have all ready signed with Universal and rumors have been floating around about that. Cannot wait til June 1st for the hometown show in Orlando. Whoop! Whoop!

  4. Amanda Chinappi avatar

    Great news :) Im happy for you guys! You deserve much better love you all! :)

  5. AJMcLeans_honey avatar

    All I can say is: It's about time! Goodbye Jive!

  6. Jannis avatar

    I am happy if they are happy.

    I can't wait to hear the new music, and I have faith that the boys will deliver. Yes, Jive did not promote them enough in the last few years. Funny, because BSB was one of the only good acts they had to offer.

  7. cdn_grl_luvs_bsb avatar

    for those who have been asking its been rumoured that the boys signed with Universal......and that they are going to make an official announcement after the tour is done.

  8. AlinaB avatar

    I always thought you are not promoted enough. In Romania you were huge.. the "hugest" ;;) we were so nuts about you and now they don't know about the great work you did with your last albums, etc. I hope with this occasion you'll get here too next year. I'm glad for you that things are going better and anyway we're here for you (: Hope I'll be a part of BSB history! Luv 4 ever! KTBSPA

  9. xxSammyjoxxMcleanxx avatar

    Wowww that is greatt news! :) Cant wait for the next tour its gonna be so kooll! 2011 is defo gona be an amazin n blessed year for u guyys! I LOVE U GUYSS SOO SOO MUCHH! Big Hugggzz! :)

    SammyJo xxxx

  10. beatriz_carter avatar

    awesome!!! it's about time you guys go somewhere where you're actually appreciated and promoted!!! -_- way too go boys (: