1. SelfishFrick avatar

    Finally !!!! i really hope the things will get a lot better now and for the future albums. i just think it's better to sign a contact for one album and then see how it goes, but not like for 5 albums...and become slaves.

  2. Lee Kung Do avatar


  3. Lee Kung Do avatar


  4. sweetgirl avatar

    That's great news guys!! Freedom at last. Jive didn't treat you as you deserve it. Let's see how this change affects to all of us. It wll be very positive. KTBPA!

  5. MusicGirl avatar

    FREE AT LAST :-)
    So happy for you guys , your fans have been waiting for this day for a long time , we all knew Jive didn't do right by you.
    What a great piece of news to cheer up this rainy day :-D

    Onwards & upwards boys, I'm so looking forward to hearing you on the radio once again , now that you are free from Jive and I'm excited to hear your musical growth on all the future BSB CD's now you are no longer musically held down by Jive

    Congrats to you all ~ PARTY TIME :-D

  6. FaithInBrian26 avatar


    They all sound good, but Cash Money is a Rap record company, and that's not the genre they're in. :(

    Maybe Universal or J Records...maybe Columbia? Though going Indie would be great for them as well, since them and them alone will call the shots.

  7. **CraZy4Music81** avatar

    I think i speak for everyone when i say FINALLY!!!!!!

  8. Malin avatar

    This is great news!! I'm happy for you guys!

  9. Maddie avatar

    Finally we said "bye bye JIVE". I am really happy for you guys. They didn't treat you as you deserved. I hope this new beggining will be great for all US.

  10. BabygirlShamrok avatar

    This is a great thing !!!!!