1. valerie28 avatar

    awesome :) they deserve it :)

  2. leidibsb avatar

    CAN I GET AN AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  3. sofdlovesbsb avatar

    Yay! Congratulations on getting your freedom from Jive. You deserve so much better than what you've gotten and Now you can. I am so excited for what the future holds for you guys,Looking forward to what the the year ahead brings for you guys. I love and support you guys 110%. KTBSPA

  4. Cherelle avatar

    I CANNOT WAIT! hey do you guys think this will change the tour at all.. like the setlist or anything?

  5. crazy_loca avatar

    You should be seeing the HUUUUUUUUUUGE smile on my face right now... congatulations guys, you deserve the best, and Jive just wasn't the best for you. I just hope you make a wise decision, you know that you can ALWAYS count on us, the fans, and... well... CONGRATULATIONS!! FREEDOM FEELS GOOD!!

  6. Karla avatar

    im so happy they r free now...no freaking Jive holding them back...
    now they can do what they want...and i gotta feeling good things r coming...
    cant wait...
    jive should be thankful, bsb helped them a lot...

  7. Anto Littrell avatar

    im so happy for u..
    i knew that this is the beginning for a lot of good things
    and remember that the fans will always gonna be there..to support u no mather what
    and the KTBSPA will never die :)

  8. YCarttrell avatar

    Congrats guys, that is a wonderful news, I'm really happy for you and us

  9. GreenEyez707 avatar

    So happy for you guys. Cant wait to see what 2011 holds for ya. Luv ya and congrats! =)

  10. Norah avatar

    This is so exciting! Our boys are finally free! Im so happy for you as always!