1. Daannii Maza avatar

    Aleluya!!! We keep the backstreet pride alive ?

  2. Kinzie avatar


  3. Franca Sparaco avatar

    Congrats to your Freedom BSB, lots of love. I'm so thrilled to see you in Toronto on August and I'm so looking forward to the BSB year of 2011, I Love You BSB so Much!!!!!!!, All The Best, Kisses and Hugs!!!!

  4. almiux avatar

    Wiiii!!! Boys!! We are very excited!! You deserve the best & we are support them always

  5. Anne avatar

    so happy for you guys you guys away to good for them anyway

    yep Bring on 2011 ;)

  6. Slugby avatar

    Seems like we'll never have to worry about these boys. So happy they always stand on their own feet. We'll be following you boys through everything! Congrats!

  7. Elen Sant'Ana avatar

    thats the best thing!! i'm so happy for the guys!! LOVE YOU GUYS!
    #Jivesucks hahaha and KTBSPA!

  8. Lil'Star avatar


  9. alebsb_ avatar

    so happy for you! and proud as well! KTBSPA. always. s2

  10. sweetdfan avatar

    Seems like we've all been waiting forever to hear news like this! Congrats guys on your freedom, you've earned it!