1. barbm218 avatar

    Nick seemed to care less in my opinion....maybe he is shy or maybe he needs to work on his social skills...he just doesnt initiate conversation like the other 3....Brian couldnt be funnier and Aj and Howie go out of there way to start a conversation...I did not want to waste the three minutes I had with them with nick..so i just hugged him and moved on..

    How rude is it for him to text people who just paid $200 to meet him...sad really..

  2. Nilsa avatar

    Pics have been up.


  3. NicksFallenAngel25 avatar

    Hey Ladies! Does anyone know when they are posting the pictures from the NYC show @ HighLine Ballroom of the m&g? Please let me know.

  4. Lauren avatar

    thanks for all the input girls! :-) i didnt expect so many ppl to write back but i appreciate it! ive met him twice and had 2 bad experiences but maybe he was just having a bad day both times....just my luck i guess! but i wouldnt let my bad experiences with nick ruin my 16 year love for BSB :-) next time ill just give him an extra cheesy smile and see how that works out for me! but i did go into it very excited to meet him....i was just a little disappointed when it was my turn to go up to him and he was looking right over my head like i wasnt even there...thats y i skipped over him and went to aj and brian next but maybe he was just being shy??? so next time ill be brave and take the initiative to go up to him! :-) the problem there is....im quite shy myself! lol but oh well ill have to suck it up! thanks again girls!!!!

    12 days tilll boston!!!! & 16 days til AC!!!! :-)

  5. melinda avatar

    Yeah people need to realize that Nick will treat you the way you treat him. He is all about respect when it comes to meeting fans so if you respect him, he will respect you. I've never had a bad experience with Nick.

  6. Annie-Gail avatar

    Are the meet& greet pictures up yet?

  7. Cherelle avatar

    I agree karla. I'm sure it also depends on the fans attitudes, and I'm not saying that's the case either, but he was also sweet when I went up to him too. He smiled big and gave me a hug. He wasn't even close to rude, or maybe people just take things the wrong way.

  8. Karla avatar

    The problem is, ppl go to him with a bad attitude...not saying thats the case here...
    i went to him really sweet and he was more than sweet to me...
    the girl in my pic, was a little bitchy to him and he was rude to her...
    she told him " i wanna a pic with u and my friend" and he was holding me...he looked at her and said "seems that its not gonna happen" and he turned around and talked to me...

  9. Nilsa avatar

    Nick was fine when I met him. It was my first time meeting and seeing them live. I was super nervous that I couldn't get time with him or stand next to him for my picture. Surprisingly, he was wide open talking to this other girl with Howie and I just went up and said hi. He had this killer smile and said hi and gave me a hug. I wanted to die! I showed him my old wallet with a lot of BSB stuff in it and a pic of him and his two pugs. He was looking through it and told me the names of the dogs and asked me what I was going to do with it. I said the it's my BSB wallet and that it is gold. LOL. We took the pic and he gave me another hug. He was totally fine and all smiles. I didn't expect him to like be enamored with me or anything (I wouldn't mind though), so my first Nick Carter experience after dreaming about it after all these years was definitely a great one. I still smile whenever I see my picture with him. :) Meeting the guys reminded me how much I loved BSB -- and Nick -- growing up.

  10. Cherelle avatar

    he was.. he was in such a great mood at the early show.. He signed so many autographs, and took pics with so many people lol maybe its the meet and greets that make him moody, because they are so rushed haha