1. Lucy avatar

    Heck yeah, I already bought mine!

  2. KBNHAandme avatar

    Region: Region 2


    I live in Canada (region 1)

  3. Jami2523 avatar

    Is there going to be a US tour dvd? I would like to know before I go and buy the Japan tour DVD and have to go out and buy a dvd player to play it in...

  4. Sway_Shay avatar

    I want it!! :(

  5. xbillyjean42x avatar

    go check your DVD player's manual it will tell you. or look up the brand of your dvd player online and look under FAQ's under your particular model's product number.

  6. melinda avatar

    How is $40 too expensive? Since when is there a price tag on our Boys? LOL I think it's great considering it's coming from Japan! I'll have to check my DVD player, but I do want this DVD! How do we know if it's region free?

  7. SilverMoon28 avatar

    Never mind that, lmao. The price is one thing, but Amazon Japan won't let me log in with my regular e-mail and password. Oh well *sigh*

  8. xbillyjean42x avatar

    i'll wait for a US one. I have a samsung dvd receiver and all samsung dvd players only play region 1 (US) dvd's.

  9. LizheartsBSB avatar

    I hope they will release this in the usa

  10. kimdorough avatar

    They need to realease a dvd in the US .It's not fair that Japan and Asia always get dvds.