1. Marylou avatar

    YESSSSS WOOHOOO. Im so excited about this VIP stuff. I better pay my visa bill quick. ha ha.. WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. *ahum* sorry.. :)

  2. Shanell avatar

    As much as I am a fan of the boys (and believe me,I am) I think it is completely ridiculous to charge such an outrageous amount of money to meet them. I'm sure a majority of us was sweating bullets just trying to collecting enough money to get a basic ticket. Especially with the economy being the way it is. i just wish they would have a little more consideration for fans that aren't rolling in the dough!

  3. sofdlovesbsb avatar

    I hope the site doesn't crash. *fingers crossed and hope it doesn't sell out for Toronto but I think it will.lol

  4. Jennybsb avatar

    gotta skip school again
    it better work this time!!!

  5. Candice avatar

    I don't understand who just has $500 laying around to buy these VIP passes. I mean honestly! for anyone buying I hope it's trouble free this time.

  6. Karina_McLean avatar

    Boys ?

    Don't forget BRAZIL, okay?

    We love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

    South America is crazy for TIU Tour!

  7. sofdlovesbsb avatar

    Thank you though for offering Vip's for the shows I am going to and for the other fans,I am so excited to do Vip again and meet up with my friends. it's going to be an awesome summer.

  8. *aShLeY*mtl* avatar

    Hey! If anyone has taken a Platinum VIP in the past could u tell me what the backstage tour is and what the ...and more is? It is quite expensive, and Ive taken a tour of the venue and backstage before so i would like to know if it is really worth it to go for platinum over gold. Thanks! :)

  9. sofdlovesbsb avatar

    I can buy for the Montreal Show a Vip but for Toronto I will still be in NYC. lol

  10. sofdlovesbsb avatar

    Aww I am not going to be in Canada when Toronto and Montreal Vip go on sale I will be at the NYC Fan Event. booo! lol What do I do.