1. frackstar5 avatar

    Darn, i'm in NYC the weekend before. But good thing, because i really can't allow myself to attend any more events! LOL I'm going to go broke. ;-)

  2. Elisaxxx avatar

    $200? Ouch! Luckily I am accidently in NYC that day, from May 23 to May 26 actually.... Seems like meant to be! But my friend is not a fan so then I should buy 2 tickets... hmmmm...

  3. CALLISTA avatar

    the perfect way to celebrate your birthday! what better than bsb concert

  4. Florzinha Juju avatar

    Nadia: the boys told us that thet will be South America tour yes! Brian and AJ said that the boys come back to SA in the end of this year! :) Where are you from?

  5. Florzinha Juju avatar

    I want to go... I want to go... but I can't unfortunately!!! ;( This event will be on my birthday exactly on my birthday. Oh why it happen to me... ;(

  6. Nadia avatar

    Hi All...anybody know if there is goign to be a LAM tour? If you know anything, pls advice

    Thanks a lot!


  7. Terri avatar

    It's amazing that a mountain can be made out of a molehill before anything is even set in stone for these things but I have to agree with some that it is very much worth the money I spent to attend the Napa event. I drove nearly 13 hrs from Arizona just to see them. Normally I couldn't afford it myself but I got lucky this time. So take advantage of it if you can. You won't regret a single penny or amount of travel time either.

  8. Chryssa_NC avatar

    I wanna goooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    but a little far away...... :P

  9. Nadia avatar

    would love to go....

  10. Pita_Littrell avatar

    I wanna goo tooo, If you; make a contest please tell us.