1. brandi avatar

    I've been once.. I want to go to this.. Don't know my way around either...

  2. Lucy avatar

    You people have no idea what is a GA event till you attend a South American concert. Worst experience of my life. This will be a walk on the park compared to a real GA concert.

    And if it's like the Napa event there'll be no more than 300 people, so there'll be plenty of space to stand around and be comfortable.

  3. Nancy-Born2LoveBSB avatar

    Please God let me be able to go to this

  4. babyaniag avatar

    if is GA then you guys should make a DVD and then I can enjoy it !!! PLEASE PLEASE don't make it GA !!!!!!!!!

  5. Christine3185 avatar

    GA that's how you take to take a great event and make it horrible!

  6. Yahtzee27 avatar

    they should record it this time and release a DVD like they did back in the day with A night out.

  7. babyaniag avatar

    if is GA then im not going!!!! i hate it too !!!!

  8. Lucy avatar

    I think the Napa event started at U$299 but the last tickets were sold for as low as U$199

  9. dc_glows1 avatar

    ugh that sucks. That'll be a long day.

  10. lovebsb1234 avatar

    I've never been to NYC!!!!! Don't know my way around :(