1. Paula Seabra Medina avatar

    Congrats! She's perfect! :') May God bless her and watch over her every single day of her life. <3 She is already off to a great start with such wonderful parents!! :-)

  2. my3bsbhrts avatar

    Congrats a thousand times, love that fatherly sparkle in your eyes AJ. Ava is just so adorable as I knew she would be.

  3. berggy25 avatar

    little ava is so cute and very blessed and congrats to u, aj and rochelle. i love u guys . enjoy your baby girl. love berggy25

  4. Megan Ashley avatar

    So cute Congrats AJ & Rochelle, she's beautiful

  5. BNHAalltheway avatar

    Ava is so adorable and beautiful and what You said is the sweetest ever, it really touched me.
    May You both raise her in God's way.

  6. CheetahAngel81 avatar

    I almost cried! So happy for you AJ! Congrats :) What a cutie she is.

  7. heyitzcolleen avatar

    congratulations aj and rochelle! ava is absolutely adorable and i wish you guys all the happiness in the world! <3 ava is such a pretty name!

  8. Kristiw avatar

    Awww shes too cute Just like her mommy and daddy congrats to the new proud parents Ava Jaymes Mclean is a very lucky girl to have a mom and dad like you

  9. Tatty avatar

    OMG she is SO adorable!! Congratulations to AJ and Rochelle :).

  10. Elisama avatar

    God bless you all. May you raise this princess in God`s path.

    I love you.
