1. leslie bsb avatar

    sera al rededor de las 11 de la maƱana en la ciudad de mexico pleace k alguien me ayude!!!!!!!!!

  2. htarresnom avatar

    Booo I will be on class of "Arquitectura Mexica" so... Good Luck!
    Grettings from Guadalajara, Mexico.

  3. nicksgirl avatar

    Is that 9am canada time?????

  4. lisscat avatar

    Bummer - day job- :-(

  5. Florzinha Juju avatar

    Is there someone from Brazil here? I want to confirm if 9 am will be 2 pm in Brazil. please someone from Brazil helps me? and how can I send my question to Brian? please I need help!

  6. BackstreetChick1984 avatar

    I'll be at my best friends helping her move her stuff into her new apartment, I hope I don't miss it :( I'll make sure we don't miss it cause I wanna see Brian :)

  7. Stephanie avatar

    I'll be working :(

  8. bsbnicksgurl15 avatar

    Grr... Ill be at work..

  9. Stephhh17 avatar

    I will be there!!! yay noon in montreal :)

  10. katie leigh avatar

    why wednesday??? i have to go to school. does anybody know what time that is in eastern kentucky? hopefully after 3pm