1. Alejandra avatar

    9 (am) PST = 13 in Argentina, no? It's ok

  2. Alejandra avatar

    I think it's fine

  3. Franci_Black avatar

    9 am to PST in Chile will be the 6 am, that's too early for us, maybe can be another video chat for the usa and sourth america people, and that day I must go to the university, I'll try to wake up an hour early to chat with Brian

  4. sweetgirl avatar

    11 am PST time would be great!! :D Can't wait for Brian's chat! ;)

  5. LolitaRW avatar

    Thanks so much for doing a chat! And so cool you are asking us about the time! In Europe it's normally in the middle of the night! So 11 am PST would be great for me!! At 9am PST I am still at work..

  6. Boozzle avatar

    Could be in the night??? becouse 9am PST is to much early here in Brazil...

  7. Natsuki avatar

    I'm working at 9am (I'm Spanish) please do it beetween 11am and 2pm, Please!!

    PD: thanks for thinking of us

  8. Renata Moreira avatar

    i'm very happy for this new
    and wainting for this day
    kisses love u guys

    PS: will be my first chat that i see
    i'm happy
    sorry my english i hope that u to understand lol

  9. Pluk avatar

    @ TJ: she's talking about 9 am which makes it 6pm in Germany.

  10. Bibi ~ Team Europe avatar

    I would be happy if it could be around 8pm/midnight CET!