1. Puntals avatar

    11 am pst in spain is 8 pm

  2. Monica Team Europe avatar

    Anything between 9 pm and 1 am CET would be perfect!! ;)

  3. Lonely_tear89 avatar

    please do not do this @ 9am!! I am @ the university (Im Italian) till 12am!!! please do it beetween 12am and 2pm, PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE

  4. Ashley & Jillian avatar

    I'm thinking like between 12am and 1pm PST so those on the west coast of the USA can get it during lunch and so me and my twin sister (on the east coast) can watch it cuz we will be at school any time before that :( Thanks for letting the fans have a say!


  5. patsalvarez avatar

    9am PST works for me, in Rio will be 1pm.... it would be better if it was a couple of hours later, like 11am PST, but 9am works just fine!!!

    @passecj 8pm PST is too late!!! in Rio will be 1am, in Europe even later!!! no way!!

  6. Cort_21 avatar

    Will it be taped? It think that would solve a lot too. For those who just want to watch it they can do so later and picking a time wouldn't matter so much.

  7. Miss.Danny_Mansani avatar

    If I'm not wrong, 9amPST will be 1pm here in Brazil, so I think it's great, 'cause it's lunch break time. Just my oppinion.

  8. nicksrockerbaby avatar

    10 or 11PST would work best for me. I may have work that day but I'd more than likely be able to view it if it were at 11amPST. I have no access to any computers at work so I wouldn't be able to watch there.

  9. Sh0rty1129 avatar

    wednesday is my day off :D but lije 11am or 12 for the US would be ok yay cant wait to see brian!

  10. Renate Izelin avatar

    Try to make it happen a little earlier than the chat's with Nick has happened... The ones living in Europe always has to stay up till 4-5am to be able to be a part of it... It's not easy when it's workday the next day for most.
    Don't know what times you've usually had the other chats. I don't really know the USA timezone thingy. All I do know is that Scandinavia is about 9 hours ahead of California timezone wise.. lol
