1. AJslibrarygirl avatar

    9am pst is alright with me or even better 8 am pst.

  2. RobynLovesBrian avatar

    anytime is fine for me wed is my day off!!! =D but maybe like the afternoon..like 12pm or 2pm? that would be good =) awsome i cant wait!!!! =D

  3. Farah avatar

    9am works! I'm in the east coast n its about an hour before I go to work so I wouldn't mind

  4. Anne Soll avatar

    ohhh how great! Thank you
    I live in Norway, so it will be 5 pm here (am I right?) I would prefer if it was 2-3 hours later, but if not I will find a way to make it!!! Wouldn't miss this for the world :)))

    You guy's are sooo awesome!
    Can't wait to meet you on the cruise :)

  5. NiceMovesIsla avatar

    Thanks for giving us the chance to say when we'd like the chat to be, I'm sure the people who can access it will have fun and enjoy it when its on regardless.

  6. Anne Soll avatar

    ohhh how great! Thank you

  7. Fabi avatar

    Hey Vanessa!
    It's ok 9 am PST!
    Take Care

  8. mari nieves avatar

    12am-1pm PST

  9. Melanie858 avatar

    Most of us here in Europe/UK are still at work or on our way home at 9am PST...so a couple hours after that would be better - between 11am-1pm PST for example.

  10. LatinA_it avatar

    I think 10-11 am PST is perfect for Europe! go Brian go XD