1. kateriggs258 avatar

    please post videos somewhere. i missed it. i am member of the fan club. i wasn't sure what time the chat started. i think it started 9 this morning. i saw pictures though. please come to cleveland ohio.

  2. I.M. avatar

    Thanks for the wonderfull chat!!

  3. Ana avatar

    It was AMAZING!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!! =)

    I'm soooo happy right now!!!! =)


  4. Karina_McLean avatar


    The chat was GREAT!
    1 hour and 20 minutes!


    We laughed with you imitating Donald Duck!
    We cried with you singing Siberia! (So cute, we love that song!)

    You were screaming in our ears, HAHAHAHAHA!
    Cuz I was with my headset!

    You're SO FUNNY!
    I loved it!

    You and Leigh are amazing!

    Big kiss for you and for Baylee too!

    God bless your beauty family!


  5. AlinaB avatar

    I couldn't be here! :( Can we see the chat somewhere please? Love to B-Rok&his wonderful family! X

  6. MikALuvsBsB avatar

    the chat was greeaat!!! thanx brian sorry you were cut off :)

  7. PDAYanyBSB avatar

    Brian thanks for the chat are wonderful..I love you!!! Leigh as pretty as ever :) and surprised to Baylee..

  8. Frack's_Shorty avatar

    Was this recorded? I really wanted to see it.

  9. KizzleKrista avatar

    Thanks for chating with us Brian. And for singing Happy Birthday to those who's b-day it was today :) Strange that you were cut off tho! LOL

  10. Culkinfan4life avatar

    I missed it can we watch it somewhere what did he talk about. thanks