1. Lynn Summers avatar

    wow, 5 or 6 in the moring... Thank you for taking my sleep!!!

  2. Karyna avatar


    it's terrible

    but, good lucky for who can chat at this time

  3. Rachh.(L)'s.BSB avatar

    I hate my life :(
    It's 2am Australian time. Yea I got like a cross country at 6am that day.
    I am absolutely guttered I can't participate in this chat. I am really upset now :(

    So much for my first ever web chat :(

  4. NiceMovesIsla avatar

    Well if it was 4am here then I could maybe set an alarm to get up then and try and get online for it since I'd be home but at this time I have to be at work im the only member of staff to keep the place open, so I have no choice but to be there... I do have internet access but I don't wanna get in trouble for trying to access a chat room that early on in the evening, I might have tried had it been a couple of hours later, after the IT technicians have left *ahem* and I've finished my tasks but even then its probably a bit cheeky of me, I tend to just surf around a bit not take part in chats but yeah its impossible to pick a time that will suit everyone... the only other suggestion I'd have is that next time we should be able to submit questions and then they could say we'll pick what we think are the 5 or 10 best questions and give them to the guy in question and that way we get the chance to put our questions across and even if we couldn't access the chat at the time it happened, it would be basically just as good as if we had because we still got the chance to ask them questions :) in the same way as they run contests in magazines and we can email questions and they interview the guys and ask them some of the questions that fans sent in, the ones the magazines thought were the best questions... something like that would be cool. I'm def. still happy that he's doing the chat for the fans that can be here and in general so we get to hear/see some more from him when we hopefully get the transcript/video of it :)

  5. NinaPlese_Croatia avatar

    yeahh the same thing happened on nick .net ,, it ended that chat is !!!4am!!!! for europeans.....that really sucked!! hope i will be able to make it for Brian :D

  6. NiceMovesIsla avatar

    Thanks alot Vanessa! :-D (I just read that she said that they do plan to record the chat and post it later on). This is great, that way all fanclub members get a chance to see what was said and we don't miss out entirely on it just because of our jobs and where in the world we live , which is only fair considering we all pay to get access to such content, so thanks again :-)

  7. NiceMovesIsla avatar

    I'm going to miss it since I have to work 2-9pm on Wednesdays and 9am PST is 5pm UK time so may I ask if its going to be recorded at all or a transcript made available soon afterwards? It'd be nice to be able to read/see it when I get home tomorrow night :) let me know please, thanks.

  8. Flor avatar

    will be here the chat, in the FC??

  9. trinebimbam avatar

    Yay - it's 6 pm here in Denmark which means that I'm having a romantic dinner with Brian - LOL :)

  10. Manoela avatar

    I will be at the university... but i have always my mac with me ;) ... so I hope to make it !!!