1. Joanie_24 avatar

    cool i not work wendnesday, i could join the chat for talking with brok loll its my dream . i am excited

  2. Sway_Shay avatar

    I'm horrible at times zones, can someone help me? I'm from Colorado, thanks!

  3. Florzinha Juju avatar

    this will be the first webchat after I became a fc member! :D and I don't know how to do this exactly... :/

  4. Florzinha Juju avatar

    how can we send our question to Brian?

  5. Tati_argentina avatar

    horrible how we´re left out. I mean those who work, don´t have internet access at work or time to it and are outside US.
    I´ll remember this when I have to renew my membership

  6. Sway_Shay avatar

    I had a dream that I missed this chat, oh no! LOL :(

  7. Florzinha Juju avatar

    yeeess I can't wait!! :D

  8. alebsb_ avatar

    damn! ill be at work...! wish i could join it! but if the majority has choosen this time what can we do!?

    hope who join it have a great time! ;)


  9. LaurenNY88 avatar

    sounds good, can't wait! :)

  10. Norah avatar

    I'll be at work :S how sad, I really wanted to join this chat! I'll see what I can do. ;)