1. Maddie avatar

    In spain will be at 6:00pm (seis de la tarde).

  2. undermyskin avatar

    Woohoo! Can't wait!

    Google the time for your country - it's not that hard to do!

  3. Jaquelina del Valle Gutiérrez avatar

    What time will be in Argentina?Please...

  4. LolitaRW avatar

    Yeah, so excited! :)

  5. NinaPlese_Croatia avatar

    if i counted it correctly, i believe its at 18pm for european!!if im wrong pls correct me, dont want to miss it :)) chirp!

  6. kimasabe ~ L.A. West :) avatar

    THANKS for all your help, in organizing Brian chat Vanessa! We all appreciate your efforts. :)

  7. CrazyNinjaChick avatar

    I'm in a musical at that time OxO .. Aww :(

  8. Olga25 avatar

    11:30 am for Venezuela ppl!....great time

  9. Malin avatar

    too bad that I will be at work than :( But I hope I will be able to watch the chat here afterwards :)

  10. Olga25 avatar

    what time is in south america or where can i find out?...i believe it will be 4am for me! :/