1. Krissie avatar

    So... what's happen to the end?

  2. Livi85 avatar

    9am works fine for me! would prefer maybe a liiittle bit earlier (I'm in Eastern standard time) but I can do 9am PST

  3. LaurenNY88 avatar

    sooo what time is it gunna be? haha

  4. sventek234 avatar

    gosh- it's so difficult to try and make it a good time for everyone!! after much thought, i vote 2PM PST -americans can hopefully take a short break from work to log in... europeans/africans should be at home still not asleep, australians (i'm in australia) should be up getting ready for work/school....though this won't suit the fans in asia/west australia...but like u said Vanessa, impossible to accommodate everyone!! so we'll just have to vote...again, i vote 2pm PST...

  5. Vedrana avatar

    1pm or anything after 1pm PST works for me...

  6. AJMcLeans_honey avatar

    3pm PST Please

  7. Litzi Lorena avatar

    I think that 1 pm PST is the best hour for both American and European fans, because for Americans is better in the evening than in the morning and for europeans is better at night (here it is 10pm) because everyone is at home in that moment.

  8. AmylovesBSB avatar

    6pm uk time would be great xxxx

  9. Krixita avatar

    9am it's fine... :D

  10. kateriggs258 avatar

    yeah good idea can you guys release the dvd this is us in the states please too.