1. MarDeb avatar

    14 pm

  2. deedeel avatar

    9 :00 am is fine =)

  3. Pita_Littrell avatar

    if that day in argentian it's 1pm in my city will be 9am, and at that time I can't be here chating or ealse 'cuse i have to help my mom home, so can we try to do it like round 8 or 9pm (at tha time of my city i can be conetd an can chat, ok). Well I hope I can be here chting with all of you and with te handsome b-rok and I'm waitng for you too.

    Bye, and thanks

  4. mrina avatar

    9am PST would be fine

  5. Connie avatar

    9am will work but 10 or 11am will be better:)

  6. Mariana* avatar

    To us in Latin America it would be better after 5pm PST =)

  7. Yee Yee avatar

    Well I'm the West Coast of Australia so there's no time really that good for me that's also good for everyone so I'll just go along with whatever time Brian or groundcontrol picks. I'll make sure I'm logged in. Well... I'll try my hardest =)

  8. melinda avatar

    At 9 am I'll be just starting work. I think 7 pm PST would be better since it's after work and it would only be 10 pm EST, but not sure how that translates for all the other time zones.

  9. Simon avatar

    What about the fans tht have school?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Jennifer avatar

    9Am PST would be fine for me and I live in Brussels (it will be
    3 pm, I 'll still be at work but don't mind)....Can't wait to chat with Brian....
    Love you all