1. Karla avatar

    8 am or after 8 pm

  2. Vanessa avatar

    Inels- Because that would be the middle of the night for the UK.

  3. sofdlovesbsb avatar

    oops meant to say 11am eastern in the beginning of the sentence not 11pm.lol

  4. ngclvr270 avatar

    Of all the nights that is the one Wednesday I will be supporting my old high school with their Rock Show. For me, the best time would be 10pm (or later) Eastern time. Or maybe early morning, like 11am.

  5. sofdlovesbsb avatar

    I say 11pm eastern would be best,give us all a chance to at least get to hear some of it. I hope you can do it at 11am.

  6. ale millan avatar

    4 pm in mexico city =)

  7. lnels avatar

    why not something like 7-8p EST, which would make it about 4-5p PST

  8. Jessi Dii avatar


  9. Anto Littrell avatar

    I prefer 11 am
    and i will like to make an opinion..
    can you create a blog to leaver our question to him..just for the chat will not slow down when brians appear..that will the chat easier to everyone even brian

  10. Brian7985 avatar

    It's really great news!!!
    I live in South Korea.. This time is 2:00 a.m....zzzzzz
    But I am! Very deeply involved!!