1. locrazychick avatar

    no am times please. i think 4 pm would be good.

  2. Vanessa avatar

    mari nieves- Don't worry, Anything that late PST won't even be considered.

  3. Vanessa avatar

    Can't do the late US times guys. That would fall in the middle of the night for the UK folks. Pick either 9am PST or 12pm PST- These are the best times for the majority. Thanks.

  4. Jocelyn avatar

    7pm eastern time

  5. shacara~Bella*sRumpchiz avatar

    8 pst..cant wait!

  6. mari nieves avatar

    8pm PST no please, in Europe would be 4am

  7. Cacarr avatar

    I think at night would be better 8pm maybe? pst

  8. Cacarr avatar

    I think at night would be better 8pm maybe? pst

  9. Beautiful_Woman avatar

    7 pm candian time :D ( not sure of the type of time it's called :P)

  10. Mikaela Bang avatar

    Oh WOW! Cant wait - gonna be so great!! Will do my best to be there.. but one hour later(if I did the math right - I´m from Denmark) would be amazing.. then I would be home from school;-) This is going to be soooo amazing!