1. mari nieves avatar

    12pm PST 7-8pm UK PLEASE

  2. undermyskin avatar

    9am PST works for me, but I know some may still not be able to make it. It's great that you're trying hard to please everyone!

    I think as long as you record the chat and upload it to the fanclub later, at least all members will get a chance to see it!!

  3. Vanessa avatar

    It's looking like either 9am PST / 4-5pm UK or 12pm PST 7-8pm UK would be best for everyone. Let's try to keep the voting to these two top choices. Thanks :)

  4. JoyceElise avatar

    Yeah! Finally the hottest guy is doing a webchat!!!

    And because the Dutchies danced their asses of this saturday with the flashmob (unfortunately without me..) I would like to make a request for 11 PST....that's 8 p.m here in Holland!

    Love you....

  5. mari nieves avatar

    a partir de 1pm PST please!!
    from 1pm PST

  6. EliseMclean avatar

    I would like to have 11PST.. it will be 8PM here in holland if im correct! I work till 7 so that would be fantastic.. no waiting for hours in the night this time!! yay!

  7. Fatimaslight avatar

    You are going to get more input that you can handle but its all good. I know you can't make everyone happy. It's intersting - I forget that some South American countries have time zones further behind than CA (I'm in the East Coast). As long as it's pretty much in the daytime, I can deal with it. Thanks guys and Thanks Brian -- looking forward to seeing him.

  8. Vanessa avatar

    Yeah MooMoo we're picking/posting the time end of day tomorrow.

  9. Melany avatar

    That's a great news !
    Personally, I will be able to join this chat only since 9.30pm Switzerland time (it has to mean someting like 2.30pm US time... ) ! But I know you cannot do as it will be the best for everyone ! So do it the best way for Brian and I will see if I can be part of it !!!
    KTBSPA !

  10. Lucy avatar

    Guys, please try to post your suggestion using PST to make it easier for the Vanessa AND the others fans. Posting 9AM Chile or 9AM Germany won't help anyone! You can use this site to see what's the time in Cali: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/city.html?n=137. Don't forget the US is now observing Daylight Saving Time.

    My vote is for anything between 4PM and 8PM PST.