1. Dri Mclean avatar

    Happy, beautiful babe ♥

  2. gfra82 avatar

    Congratulations...she 's wonderful... <3

  3. Kristy Trost Salazar avatar

    awwww....first girl amoung BSB:) she came 3 days before my due date then Dec 4, 2012 i had my little girl Renesmee

  4. Alinora avatar

    A little girl among all the BSB boys. :) Congrats!

  5. Aunt Denty avatar

    congratulations to u both i have two boys and a girl and they are the best things in the world, enjoy eery moment with her because the time will pass so fast and befor you no she will be climing EVERYTHING lol xxxx

  6. masqueradefan1234 avatar

    a.j is father!!!!!

  7. Kimberleyx11 avatar

    Congratulations AJ, she is beautiful & you are a amazing daddy!