1. ksk avatar

    Congratulations!!!!! Too sweet!!!!

  2. Amber avatar

    Congratulations to you both on your new bundle of joy.

  3. PBAINS avatar

    Congrats! Wish AJ ,Rochelle and the new beautiful angel all the happiness in the world. God bless u !!!!

  4. Heather Adams avatar

    Congratulations on starting this new chapter of your life. Much love!

  5. dreamer426 avatar

    Congratulations, Rochelle and AJ! I am so happy for you! Can;t wait to see her! I know she;s just as precious as could be. :) She'll also be the 1st backstreet girl.. You know that she will be really spoiled, right? haha. You guys will make such a wonderful family. God Bless, take care and get some rest :)

  6. Bubsi avatar

    Congratulations! We also became parents this year and its amazing! One hell of a ride. You think you love her now? It gets stronger every single day. Congratulations to you both. I'm sure you will be wonderful parents. Xx

  7. HolyJose avatar

    Congratulations AJ and Rochelle! Very happy for the both of you!

  8. BSBlessed avatar

    Congratulations AJ & Rochelle! Welcome Backstreet Girl!!!

  9. Tannia Carter avatar

    Beautiful story, beautiful finally born baby Ava Jaymes. Welcome to the world. Congratulations.

    Que felicidad ya naci? la hermosa Ava... quiero llorar de la felicidad

  10. Dani Campos avatar

    Welcome to the world, Ava! Congrats, mom and dad! God bless you all!