1. Frack's_Shorty avatar

    haha "I'm on a train" soo funny! this is the best video of the BSB family yet!

  2. leslie bsb avatar

    funny!!!!!!!! nicky!!!!!!!!!

  3. Clau Carter avatar

    lol. I loved the video! So funny! :)

  4. sofdlovesbsb avatar

    lmao AJ,He needs to learn what not to share.lol and Aww baby James with Leighanne and Baylee was so adorable. LOL @ Baylee saying I'm not a cousin and aww yes he is ,in the backstreet family he is.lol

  5. LexiBsbgrl4Ever01 avatar

    P.S. I agree with Lucy, that was wayyyyyyy TMI about having your fiancee for dinner. Ewwe!

  6. LexiBsbgrl4Ever01 avatar

    Ha! Funny man Matt! You and the boys just crack me up! Nick's new hit single! Dork!!!!!! And AJ that stuff about death.. you are morbid!!!!

  7. gaby_argentina avatar

    ja thanks!

  8. Lucy avatar

    AJ you gotta learn the meaning of TMI dear. I so didn't want to know you were gonna your fiancée for dinner!

  9. Tiffany aka Tish avatar

    Lol. Silly.

  10. ThatsWhatLiSaid avatar

    Great! Thanks Matt!