1. Karla avatar

    I read somewhere, that the VIP tickets will be avaliable after the presales...ALL presales...

  2. Frack's_Shorty avatar

    matt said VIP will be available at the end of april

  3. Frack's_Shorty avatar

    AHH! I cannot wait! Thank you so much for posting this and having it on a Monday! I don't have class until 1:50 that day! Woo Hoo!

  4. ricangirl025 avatar

    will VIP be available?? does anyone know. I really hope so.

  5. PAOLA avatar

    Good for all the people who's going...
    Have fun!!

  6. BSBfan4ever82 avatar

    YES!!!!! FINALLY!!!!! I can't wait!!!!!!

  7. StephieV avatar

    Thanks god it's finally here I am so excited I won't be able to sleep until then!!!!

  8. Andrew avatar


  9. ricangirl025 avatar

    wha whooo!!! Finally!!

  10. Melissa avatar

    Finally :) I can't wait!!!!!~!