1. roblisi avatar

    Everyone stop complaining. Just trust and appreciate the boys.

  2. BackstreetGem avatar

    I think it's great the the Boys are still upholding the contract they must have signed and doing the show sans Kevin, don't understand why it can't be amended though. Mucho depressing for the fans :(

  3. Tannia Carter avatar

    I understand that as the reservation was made before Kevin returned, so will not be present. But tenien not seen what their return? I really do not understand anything, Kevin returns only when it suits them and when they should not invite them. The really bad idea to give a concert without Kevin, when we have had presentations with. It's not fair to the fans who await the return of Kevin and for a special occasion such as New Year and is not this the. That makes me sad and it bothers me a lot. = (

  4. Stephanie Julianna avatar

    So im still confused! It's like they contradict each other in that one sentence. So is Kevin going to be there or not?

  5. Dannie Carter avatar

    Where's Kevin???!!!

  6. crazy_loca avatar

    Copied from Twitter:

    "@PauliiBsb Why no Kevin?" The @B104 NYE Bash was booked before the boys' reunion. 2013 will be ALL about five, reunion & 20th anniversary!

  7. vkrosvik avatar

    Why not Kevin?????? Don`t forget him Kevin

  8. Tanya avatar

    Where's Kevin??

  9. Adriana Carter avatar

    don't forget Kevin!!

  10. Jess Wiley avatar

    i wanna go!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really wanna see the guys, I get surgery on nov 30th, and I KNOW im supposed to be on bedrest, but PLEASE I REALLY WANNA GO. as long as I have a wheelchair, I really wanna go.