1. Nadia avatar

    it didnt air in SA ;( bt will keep looking out fr it

  2. Janeth_Karen avatar

    i didnt see it

  3. Guitargurl avatar

    Yay! I just found it rerunning here in a half an hour. I can't wait! Even though everyone says the clip is short, it's still better than nothing, right? Go BSB!

    Keep requesting the song, people!

  4. erikalynnexrok avatar

    The clip is always short! that is how E! promotes new music..

    I saw you guys at 7:30 i wasn't expecting it, was all OMG OMG! hahah

  5. IheartAJ avatar

    I was watching E! News not knowing it was going to be on. I was like OMG OMG when it came on I didn't know what was going on. then when it was only a few sec. long I got sad:(

  6. Emily avatar

    it was reallllly short! lol

  7. SpifftasticFel avatar

    Wow. I didn't see it, but I wasn't expecting a mention here at all. That's cool, at least they're getting a little U.S. exposure. :)

  8. Alely avatar

    "I stayed up for that??!" hahaha I was thinking the same thing, but hey, remember when we used to see them every few minutes on MTV (the channel that no longer plays music videos the way they used to)? I was hoping Ryan Seacrest would announce their tour and how they're "back." I guess 3 seconds is better to gain exposure to non-bsb fanatics.. I wonder what it takes for a song to be played on E! news.. do people vote? If so, I will keep voting!!!

  9. NicksChick622 avatar

    ahh seriously i stayed up for that?????????????

  10. Staceymf avatar

    thank god E! News gets aired here in Australia!! sucks that it's only a short clip, oh well at least there getting heard out on E!..