1. VJT_BSBperu avatar

    wow! I want something like this in peru =)

  2. Nicksbugaboowifey avatar

    vanessa are going have anything signed by bsb ?

  3. Jessica avatar

    yes vanessa that was very helpful! thank you so much!! SO excited!!!

  4. DaniDazzlesYou avatar

    Are people dressing up for the show? I'm not a fan of dresses, I'm more of a jeans & tshirt kind of a girl. The opera house looks fancy, so I was planning on doing like a casual version of dressy if that makes sense. I don't want to be under or over dressed, so what's everyone wearing? =)

  5. xxb0nxb0nxx avatar

    Just a heads up to everyone it is going to rain in Napa on Sunday!

  6. Vanessa avatar


    - Yes both packages include TWO tickets. It says so on the reservations page.
    - No, you will find out your seats on the day of the show when you pick them up. But they will be the best seats out of the seats we have left. Seats will be assigned in order of purchase.
    - Yes, cameras will be allowed.
    - Personally I think you should dress up. It's the Opera House! Have some fun with it. I'm going to wear a dress. ;)
    - I don't see why not. As long as it doesn't get out of hand.

    Hope this helps!

  7. Katie Alison avatar

    Need tickets to see the boys Friday night in Fresno and tickets for Saturday at Live In The Vinyards. You can only win tickets and I haven't been able to. If ANYONE has some extra tickets, PLEASE PLEASE email me at [email protected] Thank you sooooo much!!!!

  8. Jessica avatar

    a couple questions/clarifications
    -the hotel package includes TWO tickets right?
    -when we book the hotel package will it tell us where our seats are?
    -will cameras be allowed in the concert, m&g and q&a?
    -this sounds like it's going to be a pretty nice concert- is it going to be casual or should we have fun with it and dress up a bit?
    -if our seats are not together will there be any kind of opportunity for moving around/swapping seats if others are okay with it?
    thanks so much for setting all of this up!!

  9. Vanessa avatar

    Areli- You're welcome!

    pharmtechchick- You have to scroll down once you're on the reservations page and you will see the 3rd option: "Already Have Your Tickets? Stay The Night! If you already have your tickets to the Backstreet Boys on 4/11; stay the night!"

  10. pharmtechchick avatar

    Vanessa....i am trying to find the discounted room for those who have tickets but when i got to the reservations page and try to book all it is showing is rooms that come with tickets....what should i do?