1. Areli LT avatar

    Well for me it's great you got this offer! I got to book only the night with discount and it was just perfect 'cause i couldn't find anything for less than 200...since I'm travelling by myself, it was perfect.
    I'm looking for someone who's interested in sharing though. I booked a double bed room so...there's room for more people. if you're interested, let me know!
    Oh and thanks Vanessa! :]

  2. Lady.Guenevere avatar

    whoa i jumped the gun a bit my bad...correction....4 more days...

  3. Lady.Guenevere avatar

    hmm. well whatever. maybe this will attract more people to come at last minute. no reason to complain now...cuz in just 3 more days we get to see BSB! wooo
    ((and possibly tomorrow for me in SD!))

  4. eddie avatar

    also we didnt have the offer till pretty much min before we posted it. it was not easy to pull together so quickly....we are trying to help, not screw anyone over :(

  5. eddie avatar

    thanks @vanessa - I would love to see more options like this in the future and I think its pretty amazing that you were able to get this in order for everyone. xoxo

  6. Vanessa avatar

    melanierulv- This offer didn't exist two weeks in advance so we couldn't have told you about it then. We included a note about it in the newsletter that went out this Monday as soon as we knew that there was going to be an offer. We do the best we can with the information we get, guys.

  7. Julianna avatar

    Considering the package deal you guys are offering where the hotel and the concert is only 349. When a lot of us paid the full price of $420 for the concert alone. That is in no way a deal, if we are paying another $189 for a room.

    I do understand that this is a great deal for people who held out and waited, but where is the deal for those of us who buy all of these tickets as soon as they go on sale and have spent our hard earned cash on the boys, tours etc for years. Only to find out if we had waited a few weeks we would have been able to have a better deal for the money we paid. I'm sure i'm not the only one thinking this either. In fact I know a few other BSB fans who feel the same as I do.

    I never said anyone told me I had to stay at this hotel. I'm just saying there are alot of us that would have definitely taken advantage of the cheaper deal and gotten the hotel room out of that instead of just getting the tickets for the higher pricing.

  8. melanierulv avatar

    At least there should have been a note telling people to wait to book a hotel because there might be hotel packages coming. Normally, if you book a hotel 4 days before the time you need it, you pay more than if you booked it a couple weeks in advance. We would've waited if we knew in advance.

  9. Vanessa avatar

    Julianna- This is just the deal that the hotel is offering the fans. If by "cheap rate" you mean a discounted room at this particular hotel, they are offering that too. Their rooms start at $269 normally I believe, so the rate they are offering the fans is MUCH cheaper than their normal rate. We are not screwing anybody over. We are simply posting information about this hotel offer for people who haven't bought tickets yet (and also for people who have). Nobody is saying that you have to stay at this hotel.

  10. melinda avatar

    Actually the hotel I booked is non-refundable. If I were to cancel, I'd still have to pay for it. I figured I'm going no matter what so I didn't think it would matter. Now I see I could've gotten a hotel in Napa for a discount!