1. Krissie avatar

    11 a.m? And what's time it will be in Spain?? :S

  2. YUKA avatar

    I have work!!
    Too bad.....

  3. Nadia avatar

    so cool... hope we get to see it too...

  4. Audrey avatar

    AMAZING !!!! :)

  5. Shawn avatar

    Damn , I gotta work that day

  6. kanake avatar


  7. PAOLA avatar

    Ok... I've just send my question... Hope they answer...

    @Mai... Lets cross our fingers so we can watch it here in Southamerica too...

  8. Mai avatar

    Do u know if it's a US restricted site or anybody from anywhere can watch it?

  9. PAOLA avatar

    Great...!!! Thanks for the info...

  10. DunkaRoo avatar

    i am unsure if the question i ask them will be picked or not but i will try until i cant try anymore.