1. Anna avatar

    check out pictures I took at Fresno unplugged (more to come!)
    Fresno Unplugged

  2. kateriggs258 avatar

    please come to cleveland Ohio.

  3. Anna avatar

    Guess what? I did get in! And it was a great show. They sang first, not last like we were told earlier. More on my blog ;)

  4. Anna avatar

    OK, Darlings!

    I am going without tickets tonight, and if I don't get in, I will post videos of crowds for you to enjoy. Fresno LOVES BSB, apparently this was the biggest radio promotion yet. I will keep you posted, if I survive the crushing lines.


  5. kateriggs258 avatar

    post videos from fresno please.

  6. kateriggs258 avatar

    awesome performance in san diego. i saw the videos. are you guys coming to Cleveland Ohio. Has the date been confirmed.

  7. Bree avatar

    Hi all! today is the big day! Hope to see u guys all at Twist! :-) Say Hi if u see me

  8. Lisa avatar

    My dad is driving up to Fresno for a Tae Kwon Do tournament today... coincidence? I think not!

    I should carpool with him and try to track down the BSB boys... hehe

  9. HDDisMTT avatar

    Katie I live in the Fresno area and even begging for tix hasn't worked for me. lol Maybe some wonderful Ground Control/BSB person will find it in their heart to pass us in? Well at least it's worth asking.

  10. Katie Alison avatar

    Need tickets to see the boys Friday night in Fresno and tickets for Saturday at Live In The Vinyards. You can only win tickets and I haven't been able to. If ANYONE has some extra tickets, PLEASE PLEASE email me at [email protected] Thank you sooooo much!!!!