1. jessy_sm avatar

    awsome :D

  2. LizheartsBSB avatar

    Matt what about CT?

  3. Frack's_Shorty avatar

    @matt thank you for answering me so quickly. LOL

  4. melis584 avatar

    so excited!

  5. matt avatar

    @bsbkaoschick - Yes, it looks like it will also be taking place on April 6th.

  6. Frack's_Shorty avatar

    Is Highland Park gonna have a presale?

  7. krissydb7 avatar

    So excited!! Going to the show in Virgina ...wish there was one closer to Pittsburgh, PA...but this will do!! BSB Road Trip 2010!!! :)

  8. jnmclean22 avatar

    cool i am exicted to hear about the Kansas show being on sale soon that will give me a chance to find out the prices and make sure i can talk someone into taking me :-D i cant wait.

  9. nickslilmami avatar

    yes, finally! my show is gonna be on presael next week! :)

  10. christamarie avatar

    you all should know by now no matter how much we ask or beg..there going to post dates when THEY want too...no point in asking over and over... just be patient! :)