1. Ashley & Jillian avatar

    Yes! During my spring break :) Whoot! Whoot! Fist pumps for Orlando!!!

  2. ginZars avatar

    what about the wolftrap pre-sale?!?!

  3. ginZars avatar

    what about the wolftrap pre-sale?!?!

  4. MooMooSaurus avatar

    thats hot.. thanks boys :)

  5. passecj avatar

    Are they going to come to Seattle at all??

  6. MzMcLean avatar

    so i'm guessing there WON'T be one for the SF dates?

  7. jennavas avatar

    Waiting the NY presale!!!! so exciting!!!

  8. Mini Ro avatar

    Awesome!!!! please tell me its in the afternoon

  9. jaamodei avatar

    Oh, and thank you Matt. I meant to say that earlier, lol. Just got a bit spazzed out by the fact that 2 of the shows I wanted were going up for presale on the same day, lol. I'm sure I'll work it out, it always seems to come out ok.
    I'm sure too that the other shows will be listed soon too, I think we all need to chill a little, lol.

  10. Michelle avatar

    ahhh.....SLC? Lol