1. effin.maria avatar

    We'll be given advance notice for VIP sales, right? Emails sent out, tweets, etc?

    And also, waiting on Ravinia info as well.

  2. Lorna avatar

    still waiting on ravinia info! :)

  3. *Ana* avatar

    Does anyone know the presale password for San Francisco show on the 28th??? It would be greatly appreaciated!! :)

  4. Katie Alison avatar

    Need tickets to see the boys Friday night in Fresno and tickets for Saturday at Live In The Vinyards. You can only win tickets and I haven't been able to. If ANYONE has some extra tickets, PLEASE PLEASE email me at katiesworldca@gmail.com Thank you sooooo much!!!!

  5. LizheartsBSB avatar

    I have an extra ticket message if intrested

  6. Meg avatar

    Does anybody know the password for Kansas City for the Ticketmaster presale today? I've tried street and everybody and neither works.

  7. sofdlovesbsb avatar

    ok someone just told someone else it was Heart for Miami,good luck with tickets.

  8. sofdlovesbsb avatar

    Someone said it was Street but who knows if it's the same one for everyone.

  9. jennavas avatar

    Hi!! by any chance some would have the password to buy Miami tixs on ticketmaster.com tomorrow?? i couldn get decent tixs here yesterday :(

  10. blknblufanatic avatar

    its's STREET, it was posted on this page already : )