September 27, 2010

As Long As You Love Me

  1. User 18332581 avatar

    love this song

  2. sweden avatar

    this is what you can call a real smash hit a kiosk roller as we say in sweden whis is a good pop song who never dies its never get to old i never tierd to lissen to it from a guy member in sweden bsb rules

  3. Alina2011 avatar

    No baby, you're not blind and not crazy
    you're stunning LOVE YOU SO Much NICKY

  4. sweden avatar

    i never tierd off to lissten to bsb they have so good melody nice lyrics i feel happy when i hear them from a guy member in sweden

  5. BSB BadGirl avatar

    Love the video and song.

  6. vanillamiracle avatar

    this is the place where brian met his wife

  7. Luana Basi avatar

    Perfect dance.... Adoro!!! :)

  8. LETICIA avatar

    This is my favorite song...the best

  9. Florecitta avatar

    As long as you love me baby!

  10. avatar

    awww i loveeeeeeeeeeeee this song!!!!!

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